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1055 Willeo Road
Roswell, Georgia 30075

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1055 Willeo Road

Roswell, Georgia 30075


By Brenda Major, Art Teacher Success in the visual arts is often judged solely by the artist’s finished product, using a variety of criteria such as composition, color, form, and balance. Teaching Art at High Meadows, however, allows me to see each student’s progression as artists and as individuals. One way to help students recognize their work as steps along 
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By Katie Huffner and Ensley Nesbitt, 2-3 Teachers When I reflect on my childhood education, I remember how I struggled with learning to read and with memorizing multiplication facts and spelling words. If one believes there is a “straight and narrow path” toward success (to borrow Madeline Levine’s words), it was clear I wasn’t on it. Teaching at High Meadows, 
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By Emily Kleinberg and Elizabeth Swern, K-1 Teachers In the Kindergarten and First Grade Classroom, students acquire new academic skills at a surprising rate; they develop phonemic awareness, math literacy, and an understanding of basic science principles. Traditionally, when students display proficiency in these areas, we say they are “successful.” In our classroom, however, success is not so narrowly defined; 
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By Kate McElvaney, Director of Educational Advancement and the Center for Progressive Learning How do we know if our child is “successful?” Is it winning a trophy in a soccer tournament? Is it scoring in the 99th percentile on a standardized test? Tangible accolades are certainly markers of achievement, but are they indicators of future success as adults? And are 
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By Michelle Griffin, EfS Teacher Students arrive at my door, choose a seat on the rug and enjoy low-volume chatting. I take my seat among them and begin the ritual of calling each child’s name. They respond with a non-verbal “thumbs up, middle or down.” From consistent practice, we all know this communicates if they are feeling good, ok, or 
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By Allison Stanley, Support Teacher & Yoga Instructor Students giggle with glee as they gather up their belongings and head out to carpool. Not long after the last child leaves, you can hear the sound of sticky mats unfolding. Today is “Yoga Tuesday,” an after-school yoga practice for High Meadows teachers and staff. Some of the yogis unfolding their mats 
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By Sarah Bobbitt, Pre-K Teacher As a mother of two young daughters and a Prekindergarten teacher, I spend the majority of my day with young children. Two of my favorite activities to experience with both my students and my children are cooking and gardening. Both create positive (and fun) learning experiences that teach independence and creativity, as well as fine 
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High Meadows School

1055 Willeo Road
Roswell, Georgia 30075



School Hours
Monday - Friday
8:25am - 3:15pm

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