High Meadows School & Camp acknowledges that we are meeting on native ground, the ancestral land and home of the Cherokee and Muscogee Creek people, who were forcibly removed from their homeland in the1800s. This acknowledgment resists the erasure of indigenous histories and ongoing colonization. High Meadows recognizes that this statement is not enough. We are thankful to be able to freely work, play, and learn on this land. Our hope is to inspire action toward a sustained commitment to the land, indigenous rights, and cultural equity.
Colonialism is a present and ongoing process and we will be mindful of our participation in that process. We encourage readers and listeners of these words to take their own personal steps toward reconciliation with the land and its original caretakers. We at High Meadows commit to honor the land itself and the Cherokee and Muscogee Creek people through sustained action, programming, and learning experiences. This statement is and must be the beginning and not the end.